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Why Should You Always Split 8's In Blackjack

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One of the best rules in blackjack is the 3 to 2 payout when you get an ace and a ten on your initial hand. This is called a 'natural' or a 'blackjack'. But you'll find more casinos than everoffering games where the payout for this hand is only 6 to 5.

  1. Why Should You Always Split 8's In Blackjack Card Game
  2. Do You Always Split 8's In Blackjack
  3. Why Should You Always Split 8's In Blackjack Games
  4. Why Should You Always Split 8's In Blackjackin Blackjack

Here's how that works:

To clarify further, you will always split 8s except in two rule sets: Double-deck, hit soft 17: Surrender vs A if allowed, else split Any decks, European no-hole card rule: Hit vs 10 or A (or presumably surrender if offered, although this is rare on these games).

In a normal blackjack game, you bet $100. You get a natural. Your payout is $150.

In a 6/5 blackjack, you bet $100. You get a natural. Your payout is only $120.

  1. Similarly, you should 'always' split Aces, because together they are only 2 or 12, and headed for 22, but separately, they are potential 21s. Much of blackjack strategy is premised upon the fact that 4/13ths of the deck is made up of cards that count for 10.
  2. (Double on 5s as you would on any hard 10). Always split Aces and 8s. The easy ones to remember: 2s, 3s, 7s – split when dealer shows 2-7; 6s – split on dealer's 2-6. And the unique ones: 4s – are not a perfect hand for splitting, so you should split them only when the dealer shows 5 or 6 and only when you can double after split.

Casinos offer other rule changes that favor the player in exchange for the reduced payout, but these rules are never good enough to account for that lower payoff on a natural.

Here are some examples of those favorable rules:

  • Single deck game
  • Dealer stands on soft 17
  • Player can double after splitting
  • Player can double on any 2 cards

These rule changes do have an effect on the house edge. A single deck game has a house edge 0.61% better than a single deck game. The dealer standing on soft 17 instead of hitting has a houseedge of 0.2% better. Being able to double after splitting is good for almost 0.15%. Being able to double on any two cards is worth about 0.2%, too.

In fact, if you combine all the rules variations I listed, you'll get a net gain of 1.2%, which is significant.

Here's the problem, though:

6/5 blackjack gives the house an extra 1.35% edge.

And most casinos don't give you ALL the good rules. They just give you enough good rules to convince you to try their 6/5 game.

Don't do it. Even if you're an excellent card counter, overcoming that extra 1.35% is tough.

Want to know how much that would actually cost you?

Assume an average 3/2 blackjack game offers the house an edge 1%. The 6/5 version has a house edge of 2.35%, instead.

Assume 60 hands per hour at $10 per hand. That's $600 in action per hour.

You'll lose, on average, $6 per hour playing the standard game.

But if you play 6/5 instead, you'll lose an average of $14.10 per hour.

Just say no to 6/5 blackjack. If enough players refuse to play, the casinos might stop offering it.

Why should you always split 8

Why Should You Always Split 8's In Blackjack Card Game


Why Should You Always Split 8's In Blackjack Card Game

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Among my recent emails from players, I have several on the topic of splitting tens. One player mentioned that he seems to win more often than not when splitting tens against a dealer 5 or 6, so he was wondering if the play could be justified. Actually, his basic assertion is correct. You will win more often than not when splitting tens in those situations. But, winning more than 50% of the time is only part of the story.

When the dealer has a 5 or 6 up, he will bust more than 40% of the time. That's why basic strategy against those dealer upcards becomes quite a bit more aggressive. You should double 9, 10, and 11. Among soft totals, you should double A2 through A7. So, if you are dealt a pat 20, why not split the pair and get more money on the table while the dealer is weak?

Like all of basic strategy, this decision comes down to which action makes you the most money in the long run. Your single hand of a pat 20 is worth more than double what a single hand starting with a ten is worth.

Splitting Tens costs you money.

Assume we are playing a 6 deck, H17 game and we are dealt a pair of 10s against a dealer 6. Our initial bet is $10.

If we stand with 20, we'll win our $10 bet 78% of the time. We'll push with a dealer 20 about 11% of the time, and lose to a dealer 21 another 11% of the time. On average, we'll win $6.77 by standing.

If we instead split the tens (only once) and put a $10 bet on each hand, what happens? On average, each of these hands is still a winner, but the average win on each hand is only $2.78. Our total expected win on both hands combined is just $5.56, which is more than $1 less than the value if we had just stood on the 20. Despite having twice as much money bet in a favorable situation, we are now expected to win less overall.

Do You Always Split 8's In Blackjack

If it's bad to split tens just once, it is of course worse to resplit them. If your strategy is to split tens and resplit up to the usual three times allowed, your total bet will be either $20, $30 or $40. Over all of these possibilities, your expected profit drops further yet to a grand total of only $4.51, more than $2 less than the value of your initial single $10 bet on a pat 20.

What about card counters?

Despite the risk of confusing basic strategy players, I can't talk about splitting tens without addressing what happens if you count cards. Because card counters have extra information about the remaining cards to be dealt, they are able to identify occasions when splitting tens does become the mathematically correct play. In our example game, the Hi-Lo index number for splitting tens against a dealer 6 is +4. (For indexes for other specific games, see our Advanced Blackjack Strategy cards.) When the true count is at +4 or higher, the value of multiple hands surpasses the value of the pat 20.

Having said that, even if the true count indicates that the play is warranted it may still be a bad idea to split tens. Because the act of splitting tens draws so much attention, most card counters choose to ignore the index for splitting tens, and just keep the pat 20 regardless of the count. In some casinos, the dealer is required to announce to the pit when a player splits tens. Pit bosses know that only two kinds of players split tens… Those that don't know any better, and those that know full-well what they are doing. If you are a card counter, you had better be sure the pit thinks you are completely harmless before you split tens. If they already view you with any suspicion, this move will confirm it.

Why Should You Always Split 8's In Blackjack Games

In any case, I want to be perfectly clear about one point…

Basic strategy players shouldn't split tens. Period.

Just don't do it. It may seem fun, and it may be exciting. But splitting tens is just giving the casino extra money. They don't need any extra. Stand with your 20.

Why Should You Always Split 8's In Blackjackin Blackjack

To find the hand values for this article, I used MGP's free Blackjack Combinatorial Analyzer software for Windows, available at this site. If you want to explore alternative strategies and research the expected value, it is a powerful tool.

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